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Asynchronous Notification

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Asynchronous Notification


After the user completes the payment, the system will automatically send a notification message to the callback address (notify_url) associated with the order, informing that the order has been successfully paid.

Notification Address

POST notify_url (specified by the merchant when creating a collection order interface)

Notification Parameters

appidMerchant IDstring(16)Merchant appid
order_idMerchant Order IDstring(64)Merchant Order ID
order_typeMerchant Order TypeintMerchant order type 1: deposit 2: withdraw
statusStatusint1: Awaiting payment 2: Payment successful 3: Payment timeout 4: Payment failed
block_transaction_idTransaction Hashstring(128)Blockchain transaction hash; merchants can open the blockchain explorer to query transaction details
attachMerchant Custom Datastring(64)Merchant's custom data, returned in the callback
signSignature Stringstring(32)Security verification signature string

Notification Example

    "appid": "23456719",
    "order_id": "ZGbqEadw1puEgDeU",
    "order_type": 1, 
    "status": 2,
    "block_transaction_id": "71f36f7c3eb073a24d0d3e49af6990928a2ae04764c06c07d414acd3f743ae9c",
    "attach": "userid9826341",
    "sign": "526517f4603f25ab9ab686c1730f17b5"

Notification Response

After receiving the notification, the merchant needs to return ok or OK in the response body to inform the system that the callback notification has been received. Otherwise, it will trigger the system's notification retry mechanism.

Notification Retry

If the system does not receive ok or OK, the retry mechanism is triggered with the following rules:
The first retry will be attempted after a 30-second interval.
If the first retry still fails, the subsequent notification frequency (seconds) will be: 120, 300.


Merchants can also manually trigger the Callback Notification on the backend Order Details page.

Last update:
Contributors: wesom