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API Convention

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API Convention


Data encoding is uniformly set to utf-8.


The appid & appsecret mentioned in the interface documentation refer to the merchant's appid & appsecret, which can be viewed in the Merchant Console under the "API Key Information" section.

Optional Fields

For interface parameters marked as optional, you can either pass specific values or an empty string.

Data Submission

For interfaces that involve data submission, the uniform method is to use POST. The content-type field in the relevant request header is:


Data Response

The system uniformly returns JSON data, as shown below:

    "code": 200,            // 200 for success, others for failure
    "message": "success",   // success for success, others for failure description
    "data": {               // Refer to corresponding documentation for different interface returns
        "arg": "87.26"
    "request_id": "f4094748-a327-42af-8b3a-5eb64540d2a1"  // Request ID

Transaction Query

If the interface returns a hash field, merchants can visit the official Tron blockchain explorer ( to query detailed transaction information.

Signature Algorithm

To ensure interface security, the system will perform a sign matching verification on all received data to prevent data from being tampered with illegally.

  • Signature Steps

    • Assuming that all data sent or received forms a collection M, arrange the non-empty parameter values within the collection M in ascending order of ASCII codes of parameter names (lexicographical order). Concatenate them into a string signstr in the format of URL key-value pairs (i.e., key1=value1&key2=value2…).
    • Append &appsecret=secret to the end of signstr to form a string. Perform an MD5 operation on the string, and then convert all characters in the resulting string to uppercase to obtain the sign value.
  • Signature Rules

    • Arrange parameter names in ascending order of ASCII codes (lexicographical order).
    • Exclude parameters with empty values from the signature.
    • Parameter names are case-sensitive.
    • When verifying the signature for a returned call or platform-initiated notification, the transmitted sign parameter is not included in the signature. Compare the generated signature with the sign value.
  • Signature Example

For example, with the following signature parameters:

    "appid": "12345678",
    "order_id": "8883214567"

Format the parameters in key=value format and sort them in ASCII lexicographical order.


Concatenate the string from the previous step with &appsecret=secret.


Take an MD5 hash of the string from the previous step and convert it to uppercase.

sign = hashlib.md5(signstr.encode()).hexdigest().upper()

Last update:
Contributors: wesom