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Payment Order Query

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Payment Order Query

Interface Address


Interface Parameters

appidApp IDRequiredstring(16)Merchant app ID
order_idMerchant order numberRequiredstring(64)Merchant order number
signSignatureRequiredstring(32)Data signature

Interface Response

trade_idOfficial order numberstring(64)Official order number
order_idMerchant order numberstring(64)Merchant order number
amountOrder amountstring(16)Order amount, original data returned
actual_amountOrder payment amountstring(16)The actual amount that needs to be paid for the order
tokenOrder receipt addressstring(64)Wallet address configured by the merchant to receive user payments
block_transaction_idTransaction hashstring(128)Blockchain transaction hash; the merchant can open the blockchain browser to query transaction details
statusStatusint1: Awaiting payment, 2: Payment successful, 3: Expired

Response Example

  "code": 200,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "trade_id": "202307091688832169091964",
    "order_id": "1688832169",
    "amount": "100",
    "actual_amount": "100",
    "token": "TYDiUX1GvAvyj4F6HLbVedg7FFXa4jUvAT",
    "block_transaction_id": "71f36f7c3eb073a24d0d3e49af6990928a2ae04764c06c07d414acd3f743ae9c",
    "status": 2
  "request_id": "8282f031-63a2-4229-b0a8-e2a5c1c84b29"
Last update:
Contributors: wesom