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After the merchant calls the Order Creation interface, the returned data will be in the following format:

  "code": 200,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "trade_id": "202307091688832169091964",
    "order_id": "1688832169",
    "amount": "100",
    "actual_amount": "100",
    "token": "TYDiUX1GvAvyj4F6HLbVedg7FFXa4jUvAT",
    "expiration_time": 1688832769,
    "payment_url": "",
    "notify_url": "https://xxxx/transaction/create",
    "redirect_url": "https://xxxx/transaction/create",
    "customer_id": "merid",
    "product_name": "your product name",
    "locale": "zh-CN"
  "request_id": "8282f031-63a2-4229-b0a8-e2a5c1c84b29"

Merchants can directly extract the payment_url field from the above returned data and then redirect to this address for user payment.


After redirecting to payment_url, the page displays as follows:


After a successful payment by the user at the cashier, the system will automatically notify the merchant at the callback address (notify_url) specified when creating the order. After an interval of approximately 1 second, the page will automatically redirect to the merchant's specified redirection address (redirect_url) when creating the order.


If the merchant does not specify notify_url when creating the order, the system will use the Order Callback Address configured uniformly in the background by the merchant.

Redirect Address

GET redirect_url (Specified by the merchant in the order creation interface)

Redirect Parameters

order_idMerchant's custom order numberstring(32)Merchants can use the order_id parameter to query the local database, confirm whether the user has paid successfully, and provide corresponding page display.


Please do not consider this redirection as a condition for judging the success of user payment; this behavior is extremely insecure. Please judge whether the user has paid successfully based on whether the callback notification for successful payment has been received.

Last update:
Contributors: wesom